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Find general health and safety information, as well as UM communications and plans about the global health pandemic.
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The future belongs to those who will be able to reinvent themselves — over and over in their lifetimes. That’s why we focus so intently on helping you hone critical thinking skills, define your creative abilities and master your communication skills.
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The University of Montana is excited to welcome students back to campus this fall for face-to-face instruction.
Division I sports
student-to-faculty ratio
More than 200
student clubs and organizations
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average class size
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Prepare to successfully transition to campus life. New Student Orientation for fall semester 2023 will run Aug. 17-18.
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We are explorers. We are scholars. We are dreamers. We are doers. We are proud members of the University of Montana family. Welcome to the den.
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"I missed my home – Montana – so I moved back to complete my undergraduate degree and attend law school at UM. When I returned to Missoula, I rediscovered the same vibrant and accepting community I had previously left; however, race relations in our country had become a hotly debated issue. Police brutality against Blacks seemed to have escalated - individuals of all walks of life had started recording the murders of Black people at the hands of police officers.
"Over the past five and a half years, UM has become my home. Through working toward my BA in Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies, to serving on student government, to now working toward my Master in Public Administration - I have met some of the most caring and passionate people on the planet."
Bob Yokelson
Rosalyn La Pier
"The Indigenous peoples of Montana have been here for thousands of years, and they have developed this deep understanding of the plants in Montana. Our students at UM have a great opportunity to learn about Indigenous knowledge and ethnobotany from our Native American neighbors and friends within the Environmental Studies Program."
Jacob Tutty
"I was inspired to come to the University of Montana by a few friends who had received their Sustainable Agriculture bachelor’s degrees through this same program that I am currently in. The love and excitement that they had about their experiences and studies really inspired me."
Katie Helms
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